Sunday, November 25, 2007

Diaz Beach

Despite all the studying Martin still has to do until his tests next week we had to go shopping yesterday. We hadn’t gone for quite a while and the list was bursting and the fridge and cupboards were nearly empty. We drove down to the Langeberg Mall in Mosselbay and started cancelling items from the shopping list, while piling them into our trolley. Before we realised one and a half hours had passed..
Before driving back home Martin wanted me to see Diaz Beach. This is the tourist area of Mosselbay. There are huge hotel complexes and there is a beautiful beach. We sat down on a lawn to enjoy the sea. Kids were swimming, even though the wind was blowing quite strongly. Martin pointed out an island to me, called Seals Island. The island is really crowded with seals. This is the reason why swimming in this bay is more relaxed than at any other place in our area. The sharks eat the seals here and don’t come to the shore where people swim. Pilots don’t swim in the ocean in this area because one can see the sharks so clearly from above. Sitting there watching the sea and all the holiday makers made us feel like being on holiday ourselves…

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